How to Get a Boyfriend
 Boys are very complicated.. they are not like women as you can read more about women lifestyle at www.womendiarynet, and they do not just want to be used as fashion statements. So if you want a boyfriend, make sure that you like him and are willing to be in a serious commitment with him, or at least you feel you may be if you get to know him better, and won’t break his heart. Below are some things that show ways to get your man by your side as your dating
First, if you do not already know him, then introduce yourself. If he is interested in you enough to want to get to know you better himself, he will add in some women conversation eventually.
Show him interest in his life.
Make it easy for him to be friendly and talkative with you, but not overpowering.
Invite him to a party… but not just to make out with him or anything, be friendly with him alone until he makes it clear that he really likes you, and wants to be around you.
At this point, just be yourself and let things unwind themselves.
Here is some simple women lifestyle personality dating tips :
If the person you like is shy, then be very gentle to him but admire him for his strengths, few men can resist being told how manly they are unless the girl who tells them is one they are very uninterested in.
Do not be afraid, if you feel you can go up to him without him bashing your heart against the wall (whether on purpose or not) and you notice his seeming interest in you, then you are probably okay.
Do not use him… boys may be bad about using women, but they can still be weak around an irrisistable women even if they are not interested in her, which means breaking your heart and merely adding on his horrible guilt, or having a stalker who wants you for the WRONG reasons. So do not parade yourself around boys too much, for both your own good and their own good and your dating.
About The Author
Yulia Mardov
I'm a journalist writer about women lifestyle and personality, me and some closed group or women journalist writer write about women lifestyle, fashion, health, beauty and personality on tips and information at www.womendiary.net.
In some cases, I always assumed to put women as unrevealed gender that has many kind of interesting side to write about
Join us if you like and find more resources and partner for your women lifestyle and personality at womendiary.net
Revitalize Your Love Life! www.femmefatalelovesecrets.com
posted by femme_in_love at
12:13 AM
12 Simple Steps To Overcoming Shyness With The Opposite Sex
 Getting over your shyness may seem impossible right now, but with a little effort and the desire to be more outgoing with the opposite sex then, you can definitely overcome shyness. It is important to know that the fears you feel when shyness hits you are typically always much worse than the reality of the situation.
Below, I've listed 12 simple steps to overcoming your shyness. These aren't magic solutions, but practice these steps and over time, your shyness will fade away and you will be left wondering what all the fuss was about in the first place.
Step 1. Fake it until you make it!
This is an infamous saying in the sales world. In other words; mimic or act like someone whom you admire and has all the personality traits you wish to have. This is a great way to start teaching yourself new behavioral habits. Put yourself in their shoes and play out real life situations as though you were them. This may sound crazy, but it does work!
Step 2. Ask yourself why you are shy.
Be honest with yourself. What are your real fears? What do you think people see when they talk with you? Answering these questions will help guide you into separating reality with what you are mistakenly perceiving it to be.
Step 3. Work on building your self confidence.
Yes, this will take effort on your part by reading books on the subject or listening to motivational tapes, but it works!
Step 4. Learn how to use daily affirmations.
Daily affirmations and positive mind influence can be very powerful tools to improve yourself. Again, this takes work but the power to change your shyness to confidence can come simply from saying things to yourself every day like "I like myself!" or "I am a winner!"
Step 5. Role play situations that make you anxious.
This may sound silly but take time out alone to Play-act situations that you get really nervous about. Pretend that you are talking to that guy or girl that makes you shy. Be that outgoing person that you wish to be. This play-acting will send messages to your sub-consciousness and help your inner-self change.
Step 6. Dress to impress.
Dress to impress, even if nobody is looking. Iron those clothes! Keep that hair neat! In other words, always look your best. This does amazing things to help you feel better about yourself and overcome shyness.
Step 7. Positive goals.
Start projects in life that make you feel good. Start a personal project, totally clean up your house clutter and your car. Work on a new hobby. How can these things help you with overcoming shyness? Simple - by working on things that make you feel good produces a natural aphrodisiac that turns you on and which indirectly turns on people around you.
Step 8. Reprogram your mental definition of shyness.
This goes along the same lines as using daily affirmations or by reading self help books. By changing your perception of shyness instead of having a negative attachment to the word, you will then help re-create your outlook on it.
Step 9. Learn to take risks.
How many times did you just want to go up to someone and tell them how beautiful they were, or how they impressed you with their clothes. As a daily exercise do this: Each day of the week go up to a total stranger and say something nice. It could be something as innocent as complimenting a pretty girl on her hair or a guy with his shirt. Do not worry about the outcome, do not worry about what they say, just do it!
Step 10. Face your fears!
Combat your fears of rejections by realizing that everyone gets rejected at one point or another, everyone! Learn not to take rejection personally. Use it as a tool.
Step 11. Get those dates.
A rather direct tactic, you can learn to overcome shyness by dating frequently. Practicing dating is the most successful way to rid your shyness but this takes a lot of nerve so date 'at your own risk'.
Step 12. Last but not least, be honest!
Tell people that you are shy up front, be honest with them. You will not believe just how nervous and shy the other person is as well. By just telling them you feel the same will help to put them at ease too. With both of you more relaxed, the date is sure to go much better.
About The Author
Roger Mayne is author of 100 First Date Ideas. Impress your date by being different to all the others. Take her somewhere she's not been before. 100 First Dates reveals great ideas that will sweep her off her feet, and have you looking like a complete hero. firstdateidea.com
posted by femme_in_love at
12:20 AM
35 and Single
 It doesn’t matter how you got to be single in your mid-thirties. What does matter, however, is that you have certain priorities in order so that you can protect yourself and those you date from getting hurt. There are too many reasons to list on why you’re on the market at this stage in your life, but you should be clear on your goals, both long and short-term. You don’t want to be led on or trapped into something you didn’t want in the first place.
The very first things you need to consider are your short and long-term relationship goals. If you are a confirmed bachelor (or bachlorette) you definitely don’t want to be dating someone who is determined to settle down and start a family. Age is often tied to this as well. A twenty-something may be looking for a good time or to tie the knot. While a boy toy or trophy can be fun in the short-term, if you are looking for a serious relationship you may want to look elsewhere.
There are a lot of things to consider when dating either above or below your age bracket. If you fall for someone who is a lot younger, you may get hurt because they can lack maturity that comes only from life experience. Twenty-somethings are often still trying to figure out where they fit in, and are still forming their goals. Another problem is children; they may or may not want them. If you get really serious, as in any age bracket, you need to discuss each other’s views on children.
On the other hand, if you date someone much older than you there are some problems to be aware of as well. Older people tend to have already decided what they want out of life, and generally are not too excited to change course. If you really want to settle down, don’t go chasing after the man or woman who has no intention of a long-term relationship. Also, there are certain generation gaps that have to be considered. Your older lover may not appreciate going to see your favorite rock group in concert. With consideration and understanding, however, many obstacles of dating older and younger people can be overcome.
Another thing to consider is your financial position. Have you dedicated the last ten years to getting ahead in your career and the rewards that come with that? Are you willing to give up half of your money in a divorce? You will have to decide what is important depending on the person you are dating. Even people who aren’t married have had their lover run off with the bank account. Protect yourself, and if necessary, seek the advice of an attorney before you propose or accept a proposal.
Finally, if you have children you need to consider the type of people that are entering your life. Do you want to bring any and all of your dates to meet them, or are you going to wait for someone fairly serious? You also have to try to uphold the values that you want your children to follow in their lives. You are a role model, and how you conduct yourself does make an impression on your children.
In short, be smart about what you are doing. Don’t leave yourself open to be taken advantage of. Most of all, though, have fun and good luck in pursuing your romantic endeavors.
About The Author
Heather Jaillett writes for Dr Dating - If you are single and looking for love then this is the site for you. Articles, Reviews and Links to the best sites on the Internet and the DrDating Forum – a forum for people looking for help in love, relationships and dating. admin@drdating.com
posted by femme_in_love at
1:26 AM